On my Facebook, I’ve noticed that many of my gay friends love to travel. I love to travel too and I’ve noticed a trend among young gay men, they are traveling more often. I know not all of my friends have an infinite amount of money but I do know exactly how they are traveling so often. With new access to technology, jobs that let travelers collect miles and lower prices, it’s easier for gay travelers to get around. Without attachments and with solid careers many gay men can travel for long periods of time and go to some of the best exotic destinations using award miles and hotel perks. This is the new gay traveler.

I appreciate when some of my gay friends travel to once unknown places and hard to get to destinations. It’s a stimulating conversation! I have some friends who recently went to places like Tibet and I know many of my friends who yearly go to destinations like the South Pacific or Europe. Some of these guys are older and some are my age. And I don’t know any of my gay friends who have kids, or couldn’t plan out a trip if they wanted. This is interesting to see and I’m curious on why so many of my gay friends appreciate travel?

I noticed a trend among them while they are traveling. Although many of them have stayed in hostels most, if not all, like to upgrade or use their points to stay in some of the nicest hotels. I’ll be honest that I fall in the same boat. Although I can rough it, I choose not to and make a point to find luxury whether it’s with my points or my money.

Of course this is stereotyping but I think it all has to do with new gay travelers wanting to be around the best things, with the most comfort, and stay around the best area. Everything has to be the best and many of my friends make no qualms about it. One part of me looks at it with, “why does it always have to be the best,” and the other is “well I do like comfort.” Part of me feels I haven’t earned this but because I know how to travel hack and get deals at expensive hotels or get on expensive flights, it’s justified.

The reality is that perhaps the new gay traveler has a certain profile because they are usually one type of group. Usually college educated, have a decent paying job, type A personality, wants to flaunt his success, little to no obligations, and wants the best that the world can offer. And that can include a range of things from men to hotels, food and first class (I’ve yet to use my miles for first class because I feel I’m wasting them). Fly to New York for a weekend. Why not? Plan a trip to Europe on the whim. Sure. I think this is one of the benefits of being an educated gay man with some disposable income.

And I’ve noticed a change in how these new gay travelers interact with the world. First, gay men in our generation are realizing that liking other men is more acceptable than ever before. And being gay is just one minor aspect in the many aspects that make up their lives. So they like to kiss and have sex with other men, big deal. Sexuality sure isn’t going to stop anybody who loves to travel and gay men are more adventurous than ever before.

Like I said, I think most gay men have interest in culture and understanding others perhaps because we aren’t understood ourselves. There is a need to know more and to learn from personal travels. There is a need to focus on languages, the arts and culture. Of course there are some, myself included, who also enjoy clubbing and partying but this isn’t the main focus. I think it’s because educated gay men also realize that the world is vastly different and there is a lot to appreciate. I like this attitude.

I think gay men, or at least the ones I know, like to go out with other men on their travels, drink, etc and if they go home with someone, so be it. A benefit of being gay is doing something like that is not judged in our community and many times encouraged. On the other hand, if someone doesn’t want to do that than more power to them. There are choices and there is hardly any harsh judgement among gay men.

On top of that the average new gay traveler is knowledgeable about the countries of the world and where it is acceptable for western gay behavior and where it isn’t. I think we have learned from back at home that there are better times and places to hold hands, kiss, etc. This is unfortunate but in over 80 countries around the world gays could be imprisoned or at the very least punished.

In a recent post I mentioned that the new gay traveler doesn’t care and will accept the rules of whatever country just to simply travel. The new gay traveler is open-minded even though many of the countries he travels to aren’t. And that’s okay because he doesn’t have to agree on government policies or people’s opinions. As gay man, we are confident about who we are and what we are about and no country or person can take that way.

Historically because gay men have been men on the fringe of society we’ve always been creative and that helps very much when traveling. I know many gay men who are fearless and love a great adventure, something that many others wouldn’t believe. Now that the world is becoming easier to reach and more accepting towards gays more than ever, the new gay traveler is more knowledgeable, accepting, responsible, and travel savvy. Hopefully travel intrigues more gay travelers and brings more perspective in the future. I think for the new gay traveler, traveling has never been more obtainable and the world is more open. And that is very exciting to know.




image by: david