This post isn’t for everybody, however I wanted to make a post for the travelers out there looking to earn money while they travel. I came up with 11 ideas on how to make money while on the road. Some are essential and some are not. Some ideas may seem far-fetched but could work for you.


1. Have a website or a blog to make money

This is where you display your travels and any valuable information you can share about your travels. Having a website is vital for making money because it connects you with people who could buy things from you. You will need a twitter, facebook, google plus and maybe some other social media accounts to be successful. Don’t forget the power of networking! Spread your ideas, your website and start to make money by maintaining your own blog.

Yeah I probably got scammed...


2. Sell travel information and your expertise

Sell what you already know what about traveling. Are you an expert in one area? Maybe you know how to book vacations for guest or you know how to book with frequent flyer miles and points. Charge people from your knowledge to make money. I offer services for booking frequent flyer miles and people are always free to contact me if they need more info.

how to choose the best airline seat


3. Sell travel tours

Do you know a place really really well? Maybe you live in a touristy place? Why not showcase an informal tour through your website and make money showing people the best things about the city or country you love? Set a price for a tour, gather the money and suddenly you could be earning money. Many companies already do this but all you need is a professional looking website and some expert knowledge of a certain place if you want to do it on your own.

On top of the Alcazaba


4. Put ads on your website

So you started that website or blog but are not selling any products, an eBook, or a tour. Well a good way to make money is to have ads on your website. The problem with this is that you need a huge audience before you can start to make money. You need to grow your website a ton before you will see really great revenue coming in from ads but once you do you will have steady income.

old airline ad


5. Sell an eBook, affiliate products or brand products

You could sell products that you believe in by becoming an affiliate for that product. Basically if you put a link up and add revenue for a company, you could get a commission. However, you must go to the company and ask to see if they will give you a commission. You will need to build your brand.

Writing an eBook that explains how to do something for traveling could be profitable. It does take a lot of work to design and make an eBook but once you learn the basics, it’s pretty easy. You will need people wanting to search for this product to make money.

Perhaps you sell some products of your own? Are you creative? Do you draw or paint or design? Maybe you could design some t-shirts or try to sell some of your brand. Try cafepress to get your brand on coffee mugs, etc…



6. Write posts that contain valuable information and guest post

Do this about twice a week and have a schedule when writing. Putting valuable information makes you trustworthy and your website grows. Therefore you have a better chance to make money. You must be willing to write excellent information that people want to look up. This will gain you viewership and people will want to keep following your website and your travels. This is essential if you want to make money on your travels.

budget travel


7. Travel, duh!

You can’t steal other people’s  travel information, write about it, and then call it your own. Just doesn’t work! You need new, original content that people really need and want to read about. When traveling try to understand the ideas and concepts that people most need to understand. You will become the teacher and people will follow you to learn how you do things. Some travel information is very hard to come by and your website could be the website people desperately need. This is how you make money.

Landing in Taiyuan


8. Get people to sponsor you

Maybe get a company who will pay for you to travel. I have to admit that this would be harder to do but it is possible. They’re companies that would get people to travel and then write about it or video themselves but you may be looking for a while. Maybe find a corporate type of job that makes you travel a lot and then blog about your travel life while doing it.

passport stamp


9. Have a niche goal/Have a goal/Have something that is unique

The only way that people will want to follow you or buy products from you is by being unique. You need to have a niche product, a unique personality and offer a travel website that nobody else can offer to make money. Why would people want to pay for your products if they can find it somewhere else? You need to be original with the material you write and with your personality. Don’t copy any other websites.

Be your own and have a unique travel goal.

What is a travel goal? It’s a goal that nobody else or very few people have thought of or have done. My current one is to travel all the US plus D.C. within a year and then travel to every country in the world… I also create products and ebooks.


51 States Challenge pic


10. Work/Teach while traveling

Many people have no problem finding a job while they travel. They’re such programs where you can work in over 50 countries by working on farms for some pay. It’s known as the wwoof program.

Or maybe you can try to find a temporary job. I’m not advocating to go in a country and work illegally as this could have legal implications but people do it anyways. Or maybe you want to work on a cruise or an airplane? Or even better you get someone to pay you to travel or find a job in the travel industry?

There is also the option that you could teach English or another language in a foreign country. This could be a great option for many people who love to teach and want to see the world.

Learning a Language


11. Write for another travel website

Travel websites do offer people to write about traveling and pay money. The great thing is that you can be remote aka traveling the world! It’s a good way for to earn some extra income when you write for another website. Maybe you want to grow your own website and by writing a “guest” post you get free traffic to your website which could make money for you.

Leaving Canada Place on Princess Sapphire



Hope some of these ideas are helpful. If you want more ideas, feel free to contact me or add to the comments below.




images by: shawnvoyage, show me how, ethan, braveheart, flickr, ian